What is Yonic Art?

Yonic: refers to forms that resemble the vagina or the vulva. A yonic symbol is a sexualized representation of femininity and reproductive power- particularly through some objects vaguely reminiscent of the vagina.

Yonic Artwork:

Jamie McCartney, “Great Wall of Vagina”, 20111
  • Jamie McCartney’s Great Wall of Vagina is composed of casts of vaginas. Each one is individual and unique, this is a beautiful representation of clean cut Yonic art. There is no hidden symbolism, the artwork is speaking purely for itself.
Fernando de le Jara, “Chacán-Pi” at the Institute of Microbiology at Tübigen University in Germany
  • Fernando de la Jara’s Chacán-Pi was constructed to pay homage to the healing spirit of the school of Microbiology. He said the Verona marble vagina was intended to be entered, this work then became famous as a student took this artists advice and got stuck in the art work.
Georgia O’Keeffe, Black Iris III, 1926
  • Georgia O’Keeffe is best known for her renditions of flowers, but throughout her life she insisted that their yonic context was manufactured by outside interpretation.

Author: Amy Marie Evans

I am a Third year student at Cardiff School of Art and Design, studying Artist Designer: Maker. In this blog I will document my making process as I look deep into the subtly of colour through material, and how using luxury materials, such as porcelain and silk, can create delicate work with the overarching theme of Yonic informing my practice.

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