Exploring Instillation

My work in situ on concrete.


How I display my work has become the main thought at the moment, do I attach them onto walls, stick them on plinths, have them piled on the floor? All of these ways of displaying are interesting but does it work with my work?


Where does this work live, and is what I want to communicate fully shown in this setting?

I don’t think it is, I have started to explore the natural colour of a material, and the concrete does nothing to highlight colour, if anything it just absorbed it all out. So, where can I display this? I think a wall piece could work, but I have to explore interior more and deeper as I continue to make.

Thinking About A Wall Piece

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198 of my porcelain forms on the way to the kiln for bisque firing. 

When taking my work down to the kiln I piled them all out on a whiteboard for easy travel. I really like the way they all pile and spill over each other which gets me thinking about where else my work can live.

I have explored my work living in a domestic setting, but now i’m starting to think what about a wall piece/ panel? Working with ceramic has really opened the way I am thinking about the domestic, and I think my contemporary take on ceramics will work really well within the domestic setting.

To Do:

  • Cut and measure MDF,
  • Think about how I will stick my work on to a board,
  • Make make make!

Exploring Situ: Different Arrangements



A different arrangement on my mantelpiece. 

Exploring how my work sits and interacts within different situs is now one of my main challenges, where does this work live outside of the studio and a gallery space. And if my work lives in the domestic setting how do I price point my work?

My own pricing for the three little porcelain objects would be £20-£25, but what do others say?

Nicole – £30

Daisy – £30

Rhi – £55

Rhiannon – £60


Exploring Situ: The Home

Mantel in my bedroom with my sculptures on the left hand side.

While making work at a desk its easy to get sucked into a frame of thinking, this work only lives in this space. My desk is right next to a window so there is lots of natural light so the porcelain I am working with naturally hold the subtle colours I see, but where else?

Can this work within the home? As a decorative mantel piece? And if so, would there be other decorations on the mantel as shown in mine, or as a stand alone piece of art? These are the important questions as I start to get closer to the deadline for exhibition, and I start to think about marketing these pieces, do they work alone or will this project form into one mass collection of organic forms?

Is there a price tag on this work? One large bag of porcelain from the University has a cost of £14, then there also the making time, firing, and refining that all goes into making my ceramic pieces. If I was to price this I think around £20-£25 would be the price point,  I have to factor how long it takes me to make one form, and the work with a wet paint brush can take almost an hour, per object.

A close up of the three porcelain pieces.