Heather Knight

Image from Element Clay Studio

I really like the work of Heather Knight, her use of porcelain with the organic form is something that I am also channelling within my own practice. I look towards her as to how she has build up her business, how she promotes her work, and how she costs her work. I also like how she displays her work, she uses grey backgrounds which really highlight the porcelain.

Colour has become one of the main focal points within my practice, but not just any colour, the colours that are naturally found within the material. I want to keep exploring my practice, and these square tiles by Heather are a great inspiration.

Where am I going to take my work? Where do I see the progression of my own practice? I think as I start exploring my work further I want to look into home decor more, from tiles, to wall fixtures. But, I really need to spend time exploring form and scale before I can make decisions about where to take this work further. Would my style be effective translated into further styles and presentation?

Simon Kidd Ceramics

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Evening scenes. Work in progress

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I really find the work of Simon Kidd inspiring the use of porcelain to create these abstract and organic works is something I’m trying to translate into my own practice.

My work has become very soft with pinch forming and this harder edge is something I could think about further into my own work, how can I keep inventing and exploring form? Can I mix this harder style into my own practice? And, would my own work blend into this rougher, harsher style?



Designs that Inspire

Kin ceramic wall covering

I found this image when looking into ceramic home deign, now I’ve done some digging on the internet and found that these tiles are made in Spain by a company called Harmony.

I really like this bold and graphic approach to ceramics and tiles for within the home, I have been thinking about how I can translate my work into the home and I think this could help inspire my practice more.

The bold design that repeats is really visually capturing, and as I have been working into pinch forms I would like to explore this further. Could my work live as tiling?
