Simon Kidd Ceramics

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Evening scenes. Work in progress

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I really find the work of Simon Kidd inspiring the use of porcelain to create these abstract and organic works is something I’m trying to translate into my own practice.

My work has become very soft with pinch forming and this harder edge is something I could think about further into my own work, how can I keep inventing and exploring form? Can I mix this harder style into my own practice? And, would my own work blend into this rougher, harsher style?



Author: Amy Marie Evans

I am a Third year student at Cardiff School of Art and Design, studying Artist Designer: Maker. In this blog I will document my making process as I look deep into the subtly of colour through material, and how using luxury materials, such as porcelain and silk, can create delicate work with the overarching theme of Yonic informing my practice.

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